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Thursday, May 19, 2011


The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen, the color of_______________ and the number__________.

1. Do you know how to french braid? Nope, I can knot and ruin hair though.

2. Two guys are walking down the street. One drops his hat and reaches down to pick it up, the other kicks him in the ass. Do you laugh? Maybe...

3. You wake up one morning and dogs are meowing and cats are meowing - what are fish, elephants and crocodiles doing? Chattering like monkeys

4. You are going to your high school reunion. What award are you going to win? Most Misanthropic

5. You find yourself stranded on a deserted island. Soon you find a laptop with a lifelong battery & Internet connection, then you find a cave with an endless supply of food and a spring of fresh water. A cruise ship comes along to save you - do you get on it? Yes because I need a man too.

6. How many shortcuts do you have on your desktop? I have no idea what that means

7. I offer you a pie... the most delicious pie you have ever seen. You either have to eat the entire thing in one sitting or allow me to slam it into your face, which do you choose? Face....I don't need that many calories

8. Are you a pen stealer? wary!

9. A dude from China comes up and offers you German chocolate cake, french fries and a Boston cream pie... what color is your car? Navy blue

10. Sometimes you just have to tap your foot to your favorite song - which TV series season finale are you watching? The Office, Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons


Caz said...

I think I already won the misanthropic award at all institutions of learning I have attended. Good one.

I am Harriet said...

I'm with you on the calories...

phairhead said...

AZ: high 5 on that one!

Happy Thursday, Harriet!