So this Halloween was infinitely better than last year when I got diagnosed w/ gall stones. We started off the evening by eating a meat baby. I got the idea from www.thisiswhyyourfat.com, we made some modifications as it was just Sexybeast and I for dinner. As you can see, the head and body is meatloaf. Sexybeast found a great basic recipe from The Joy of Cooking. The eyes are pickles, I cut them into circles myself! An onion mouth, bacon diaper and jalapeno cheddar sausages for the appendages. Tasty but not something I could eat a lot of.
As you can see, we dressed as The Watchmen. I put the wig on and I was transformed. I loved it! "Gee, honey, I kind of feel like I'm cheating on you.... with you." The only thing I was pissed about was my stupid false eyelashes. I did feel I didn't look the exact part w/out them : (
We went drinking at our fave dive bar. Sexybeast threw up 3 times. We went to bed.
Awww - you guys look great. That meat baby made me throw up in my mouth a lil bit. Woot, woOt Halloween!
This post made me go lolsies. Especially the matter-of-fact delivery of the last paragraph. You crazy kids look great. :)
cheeks: thanks, lady :D
les: thanks for cheering me up!
great GREAT pics! and i thought "watchmen" couldn't get any more magnificent!
meat baby
dear meat baby, you were tender and delicious. I'm glad you were the guest of honour
love, phairhead
p.s. that wig changed my life
I am so making a meat baby for my kids.
go for it, dijea!
NOICE night! Way to go SexyBeast!
Awesome watchmen costumes too. And I have got to love a meat baby. Yum!
Love the costumes. I would definitely give you extra treats ;)
AJ: he comes stumbling out of bed the next morning: "Ugh, I'm getting ooooooollllld!"
Ms. U: yr too kind :D
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