1) What is one food you will never give up? Potatoes of any sort.
2) Would you be willing to eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000? No. Not even for 4 million dollars. I don't things on a dare. I don't whore myself out for cash.
3) You have just been granted the power to make anyone in the world do something each day. Who would you choose, and what would you make him or her do daily? Hugh Jackman has to nibble on my neck everyday.
4) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one. "Central Park"

*sigh* Et tu, phair? Jackman?!? Really? Am I the ONLY one who finds him as repulsive and icky???
cheeky: he's a great dancer though :D
No Cheeks - he doesn't do it for me.
Now, I would make Johnny Depp nibble on my neck everyday.
dijea: johnny looks like a complainer. i don't know why.
I ate one last night just plain. So good!
He can complain all he wants, I just need him to nibble neck and talk to me in drunk pirate talk.
AJ: soooooo tasty!
Dijea: heh heh
No one should ever have to give up potatoes, ever!
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