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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taster's Choice

I am not a coffee drinker, I've never liked the taste. I prefer my tea to be iced, hot drinks make me thirstier for some reason. I will, however, sell my mother into slavery for a good cup of hot chocolate.

You can imagine my surprise and delight when I found out Dunkin Donuts was selling frozen hot chocolate this summer. It's delicious, basically a shake w/ ice. I always opt for the small w/out wHipped cream. Yes, that is a bit kooky but I am still calorie conscious.

Yesterday, I had some time to kill before my reiki session so I partook of some Starbucks. My favourite thing in the whole wide world is the truly awesome Vivanno. In layman's terms, it's a flavoured smoothie w/ banana & ice. It's like a taste party in mouth!!!

I am now placing these two tasty treats in a head to head 50 Kinds of Awesome competition.
Taste: Vivanno gets a slight edge because of the banana
Convenience: DD, only because they have a strong on the Capital District
Calories: Vivanno, beats the frozen hot chocolate by almost 100 calories

The winner is the chocolate Vivanno!! But don't take my word for it, decide for yrselves.....freedom of choice is what you want.


whatshouldibuytoday said...

never heard of it, got me curious to look it up now lol

Small-bany said...

My friend told me about the frozen hot chocolate. Delish, but she couldn't eat for the rest of the day because of the caloric guilt. I'll def. try the vivanno. I love Starbucks, but I usually end just end up getting a plain coffee or a passion ice tea. Time to spice things up a little.

SoreLosersGaming said...

I usually get fraps when I am at Starbucks, assuming the weather is nice. But I fucking love coffee :P

phairhead said...

Small-bany: as an aside, Uncommon Grounds has amazing iced tea but chocolate Vivanno all the way!

SLG: yeah, I'm in the minority on the coffee hate

Benjamin Linus said...

i had no idea dunkin donuts had that, i might just have to go try that. followed :]

phairhead said...

Equalz: the taste even better when it's 100 million degrees outside

the late phoenix said...

please wake me up when the shamrock shakes are back on sale..i might not make it this year...

phairhead said...

phoenix: too many calories.....but i still daydream about shamrock shakes w/ bailey's

Ting Kubby said...

Sounds delicious, shame theres no dunkin donuts over here.

phairhead said...

Ting: starbucks is better I think