As I've stated before I'm completely addicted to Pandora Radio. Kate Bush is telling me to "Don't Give Up". It took a day of serious contemplation to get my thinking back on track.
Therefore I have made some very important decisions. I will be doing more "new" things this year. I want to stretch the limits of my capabilities. I went to a batting cage w/ my work wife last weekend. I am not athletically inclined. Point of fact, I'm dead clumsy. Out of 36 balls, I hit four. BUT, I was doing it. I felt like I really accomplished something. I want to learn how to sew, I want to take more dancing classes, I want to see more. I want to be a better person.
I'm going to start going back to my therapist. I cannot rely on my friends and boyfriend to keep bolstering me up. It's not fair and it makes me into a time burgler. I don't want to steal anyone's precious time. I have to learn to depend on my mistakes.
And most importantly, I am going to complete a story and submit it for publication. I'm sick of talking about writing. It's time for action.
As Leslie so accurately assertained, I got the title from Seinfeld. Don't know about frolf though.