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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Drop yr Tacos or I'll Blow yr Brains out!

Friday night SB & I tripped the light fantastic in downtown Sch'dy.

1st stop was Bomber's Burrito bar. 3 words people: Blood. Orange. Margaritas. The Sch'dy Bombers is very very very clean, much cleaner than their Albany cousin. Bit heavy handed w/ the tequila but still damn tasty. SB says they have the best wings EVER. Perfect blend of crispiness and spicy sauce.

$9 per ticket bought us entrance to the GE Theatre at Proctor's to see The Toxic Avenger. It was gross & the acting was terrible but it's still a classic. Lloyd Kaufman was there (head of Troma Films & creator of Toxie) to do a Q&A & sign stuff. SB got his copy of Blood Sucking Freaks signed.

Lots of interesting facial hair on most of the gentlemen folk in the audience. I don't use the word hipster but.......

Also, I found out that talking about 80s metal bands is a new pick up line.


Jon in Albany said...

Hey baby, that righteous hairdo could get you into Winger. Can I buy you a bottle of Bartles and Jaymes?

phairhead said...

Jon: swooning over here!

This very young boy was chatting up a female about Accept & Judas Priest....he probably found out about them last week

Shockgrubz said...

I've got tons of ammo now! Thanks and I'll let you know if being a fan of Ratt pays off.

phairhead said...

Grubz: go for it! It worked the movie "The Wrestler" :D