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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Candid Camera

I happened to be slumming around on one of my fave sites, Television w/out Pity, & I saw that newest cycle of Top Model had started.

Yee haw! This winter is starting to look up!

Thankfully this time around, Tyra decided to do away w/ showing casting week. Great idea! Too ponderous and full of fake drama. Lots of cute dumb hamsters, some bland. A few freaky looking chicks. And a whole lot of bitchery!

First impressions: love Kasia, the "plus size model". I believe she's an 8 or a 10. Stunning, love it! And she seems like she has half a brain. However, she's 25 which is long in the tooth to break into modeling. As ageist as that sounds :-( Also like weirdo Sarah, she looks like an alien. However, she needs to cut that rat tail she sporting!

For the Challenge, meta met meta. The hamsters had to walk in an Alexander Wang run way show, on a 12 inch plank over water in a gigantic plastic (hamster) ball. I never laughed so hard as when 3, count 'em, 3 hamsters slid off the platform into the water. They all got critiqued but there was no winner and no prize.

For the photo shoot, the hamsters were photographed while getting their hair and make up done before the Wang show. Heh heh Wang. Meh. I hate this concept. I don't see how you can look yr best and think about being a hamster ball in front of tens of people. So are these truly candid shots or were the hamsters supposed to pose? Weirdness.

Best photo went to Molly, one of the many blonde hamsters. But I actually like her looks, very fresh and cute. Getting the boot was Angelia and her regular pretty but not model pretty photo. I called this earlier in the episode. During Angelia's talking head, she kept blathering on about what an amazing model she is.

Game on, bitches!

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